Up | 1998
Listen Original Listen Final Mix

Killing Alligators

Today was the first day I experimented with pitch correction. Michael sings in a sustained lower register for most of this. I’m not as suited for it but used a touch of pitch correction for the first time. It can help things but should be used sparingly.

I’m a bit concerned with the mixes here since I’m only using the laptop speakers and headphones. No home speakers since I’m not at home.

Final Tracks (20)

Vocals (3)

  • Main vocal composited
  • Main vocal doubled
  • Background wilderness howl at end

Guitar (3)

  • Acoustic throughout
  • Power Chords (2)

Drum Synth (3)

  • Robot part split into L/R pan (2)
  • Kick / Snare 808

Synthesizer (9)

  • Mid C Synth Buzzsaw Drone
  • Lead Synth Motif
  • Lead Synth Motif Low Note Separated
  • Lead Synth Counterpoint (2)
  • Fluty Twiddles
  • Bass Synth (2)
  • Angry Saw Ending

Midi Instruments (2)

  • B3 Organ
  • Piano

Faithful Cover?

There really wan’t going to be a cover here that would pass for the original. Synths and effects are so unique. This song is dripping with them in its DNA. Once I got the foundational parts sequenced, I really didn’t go back to the original song track. Most of this is my interpretation givin what I have to work with.


  • Pitch correction is compression for pitch
  • Picking which parts were quantized and which ones aren’t is also a major creative decision

Next Up

Write last “At My Most Beautiful” post. Final mix went up today after “Hope”